Melaleuca Altern . . . what?

<a href=””>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a> Melaleuca Alternifolia is the plant name but you will know it by its common name, Tea Tree. This is also a new kit oil. Surprisingly it has so many uses but it took a bit of searching for me to figure that out. Actually J was the one who […]

Citrus with Pep

Citrus Fresh is a new addition to the Premium Starter Kit in the ‘Thanks-for-becoming-a-member’ box. It was not in the kit when I stepped into the oily world so I bought this one in my second Essential Rewards order since it sounded awesome! Currently, I use Citrus Fresh daily in my water because it is […]

Happy Thieves

Thieves has been a lifesaver in this household! Let me tell you! Germies going around at school? No fear. Need to clean your house with something non-toxic? You got it. Want to kick up your toothpaste game? Oh yes, that too! We use Thieves in so many different ways. My first experience with Thieves was […]

I Love Frank

I may have a secret crush. (Not so much of a secret if I am putting it out there on the interwebs.)  I am in love with a little bottle of oil, Frankincense essential oil to be exact. Who knew that the same stuff the wise men presented baby Jesus would be sitting on my […]

Pepperminty Freshness

Oh how I love peppermint. When I started my oil journey I was nursing and this one was on the no-no list because it could cause a decrease in supply. That cut quite a few of the blends out as well. You wouldn’t believe how many blends have peppermint in them. Sigh. But at the […]

When Life Hands You Lemon

Lemon is the unsung hero in our house. Granted we use lemon every day but it isn’t the oil we think of first when a problem arises. Currently, we use lemon in the hubs allergy trio and I use it in the weight loss trio. That is about all we thought we COULD use lemon […]

Oh the Joy!

Oh Joy, Joy, Joy. How I love thee! If you have read previous posts you know about my initial reaction and now my love of Joy. I have it in my diffuser necklace right now with a touch of orange. It is just plain amazing. I won’t go into all of the reasons I love Joy […]

Cleansing Power of Purification

When we started the oils we only really thought of how we could use them to make our bodies healthier. Little did we know that they can be used for so much more than just to help with ailments. We figured this out with Purification. We received our wonderful Premium Starter kit and took one […]

The Swiss Army Knife – Lavender

Yup, that is what we in the ‘oil world’ call lavender essential oil, a Swiss Army knife. Lavender is one of the most versatile oils in the oil arsenal.  A little history lesson on lavender.  Back in the early 1900’s, René-Maurice Gattefossé, a French scientist, used lavender on his burnt skin when there was an […]

Brand, Spanking New

They are changing it up and it is oh so wonderful. The Everyday Oils have two new members, Stress Away and Melaleuca Alternifolia. (In the Premium Starter kit they switched Stress Away with Citrus Fresh.) These oils are amazing but you are probably wondering why? Well over the next few days I will be giving […]