Ok y’all, let’s have a little chat. I began my oil journey just this year and I have seen some great results from using oils. J has pretty much thrown away the majority of his allergy and heartburn medicine. I have used them to get over some stressful feelings, some not so pleasant stomach pains, and so on. There are some amazing things going on in this house with the oils! I mean seriously! This change in our life is AH-mazing!
But there is something that is keeps nagging at me. So let’s get it out there, okay?
I am a member of quite a few groups on Facebook that concern oils. There is quite a bit of a scuffle between brands, between ways to use, between uses on children, etc. And guess what? That’s TOTALLY fine. Every single person has their own opinion and they are entitled to have it and to even be passionate about their opinions. So let me break it down for you. . . Listen to your heart, listen to what you deem is right, read up on them, ask you friends, your doctor, get your information and make up your own mind. It is ultimately your decision that no one else can make for you.
So here is my view, take it or leave it.
My sister in law did quite a bit of research and knew they were for her and my friend has seen some fantastic results using the oils for her family so these two ladies are the ones that got me very interested in trying the oils. I dove in and started researching. There are two different camps on the use of oils. There are so many ideas about how to use them. This all became very evident within the short time of research. I am forever the optimist though and I noticed that there were hospitals using the oils and there were scientists agreeing that the use of the oils were beneficial to our health. That did it for me! Plus in my mind, a man that has been using the oils on himself and his family for 20+ years is a pretty big deal in my mind.
I do research every week, I look at books and I find recipes to make alternative products. I find quite a bit of misuse and bad information out there. One thing that I make certain of is to look at each oil, the uses and properties of each. I always err on the side of caution, I use the smallest amounts necessary and I most certainly dilute especially on my little ones. Haven only gets lavender after a bath, a drop in some carrier oil. Aspen gets lavender and cedarwood in carrier oil in a roller to put on her feet, only when she needs some calming when she is riled up before bed. I do ingest and so does my husband but in very small amounts. That is our decision to do so. We also test oils on our skin before using to make sure we do not have a reaction. Topical application and diffusing has made a tremendous difference as well.
If you have questions about the oils talk to me or others but also do some research. We each need to take ownership of our decisions. I am happy with the decision I have made for my family. It has been a positive experience, it has made us look at the way we live and what we do. We are on this journey to be healthier and essential oils have played a major roll in that!
Thanks y’all! Have a fabulous day!!

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