My friend Shawna, another oily momma, challenged our group of oilers to put Joy on our heart for a week straight. Challenge accepted! Today is Day 1!
I am in love with Joy but that has not always been the case. I first pulled it out of the starter kit and took a big whiff, thinking “Oh this one should smell amazing” I mean really Joy should be amazing but oh no. Oh no no no. It was like getting punched in the face with a bouquet of Stargazer lilies. It has a very strong floral scent and can be quite overpowering. I closed the lid and put it back in the box, where is stayed for the first month of my oiling journey.
After that first month though I was having a slow pumping week and by slow I mean almost non-existent after weeks of almost overflowing two bottles after 10 minutes of pumping. I was in desperation mode. So it was research time. Every time I looked something up about oils and supply I kept seeing Joy on the heart to help mom de-stress. This is because stress can play a MAJOR factor in your supply. Well then I guess the Joy will be making another appearance. Since I was already using fennel twice a day on my chest to help with supply I might as well add another stinky one to really just kick it up a notch. That first day was BRUTAL but I felt FABULOUS! And I pumped a few more ounces than normal. I did this for 3 days straight. My supply has never gotten back to the crazy, overflowing stage but we are making enough to cover our needs and that is all that matters.
So back to the challenge and why you should try it. Yes, you should try it! Even if you were like me and thought Joy was like standing in the middle of the poppy field in Wizard of Oz. Joy will bring the Joy. Silly sounding, trust me I know, but I am being for real! Every time I put a little Joy on my heart my day gets that much better. It is great for those Monday blues and even better when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. (Which is almost every day for me right now!)
Here’s a little bit o’ info on the lovely Joy!
From the pocket reference, “This beautiful blend produces a magnetic energy that brings joy to the heart, mind, and soul. It inspires romance and helps overcome deep-seated grief and depression.” <— Awesome, right? The blend has Rose, Bergamot, Mandarin, Ylang Ylang, Lemon, Geranium, Jasmine, Palmarosa, Roman Chamomile, and Rosewood. (No wonder it smells like a bouquet!)
So are you ready to take the challenge as well?

“Punched in the face with a bouquet of stargazer lilies.” My favorite oil description ever! Lol
Love this challenge too! I am loving the oil that has been sitting in the box for a couple weeks. I am mixing mine with Orange