Back to School Second Saturday

Hey y’all!! We had our August Second Saturday!! This time we skipped some of our preplanned list and threw in a Back to School themed party. August is such a hectic time with summer break ending and being thrown back into the routine and the struggle of new teachers and new learning objectives. Aspen is actually learning this routine now as she has moved up to Preschool! AHHH! She has homework now and objectives to complete throughout the week. Not looking forward to the whole growing up thing. . . .but let’s get back to the class so I don’t have to think about it. Ok? Ok.

For our class we decided we needed some items that would help with concentration and also to keep the new school germs at bay. We talked a little about our love for oils, of course, and a little bit about the magical, wonderful, powerful Thieves oil and different ways to use it to stay healthy for the school year. For our first item we made a concentration roll on because mommies know kids can be distracted easily. The second item was hand sanitizer. Both were in small containers to allow the kiddos to keep them in their backpacks (or for mommies purse). We also discussed how to ward off lice. EWW.


The class was a great success! I have already run out of my hand sanitizer. Aspen calls it her magic soap so she loves to use it. For the concentration roller you can swap out the Clarity for Brain Power or, if you have a stock, Valor. We swapped the Clarity with Valor for Aspen’s as I notice she is less of a diva with Valor.  Oh my child. . . .


She is VERY strong-willed, which is a great attribute but she is the stage right now where she doesn’t quite understand that things cannot happen at the drop of a hat. For instance, we were in the car and she wanted water. I had juice but no water on hand and we were in the middle of traffic. No matter how many different ways I tried to reason with her that we would have to wait until we got home to get water she wouldn’t have it. For about 20 minutes she repeated “I want water.” I even took out the Stress Away and held it in front of the vent. It was a trying car ride home. And of course as soon as we pull in the drive way she wants the juice that I had been offering the whole ride home. Sigh. Haven was in her car seat the whole time just watching her with great interest. She was my comic relief through the whole thing.

Well that’s all for now. . . Our next Second Saturday will be updating some of our facial products!!!




  1. Carie Beard says:

    I had so much fun at the class! The Focus roll on is AMAZING. My 6 year old, Abby, asks for her oils every morning on the ride to her before and after school daycare. One of the ladies there has known Abby since she was 2 and she noticed a difference in Abby’s ability to sit still and stay on task right away. I do know we have forgotten a few times and the daily behavior grade usually reflects that.
    I’ve used it a few times myself at work when I’m having a particularly busy day. I have to do a lot of multi-tasking and this helps me to not feel overwhelmed or scattered.

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