Whenever you start looking at ways to get healthy or start a weight loss program you’ll read all about products that ‘help you start off right’. Every thing from colon cleanses to fasting to detoxing agents to . . . . whatever companies can sell you. BUT I am on this journey to living healthier, naturally, so why on Earth would I decide to use some chemical to clean my body?!?!? Plus a straight detox isn’t such a great idea while you are nursing. So I was on the prowl for something easier.
In seconds I found a great option for me, dry brushing. Go ahead Google it. You’ll pull up blogs, news articles, magazine articles, etc. all touting the miraculous wonders of dry brushing. But I am sure you are wondering Why? Why is this the answer? Well let me enlighten you for a moment.
First off, the skin is the largest organ in your body. It is the first layer of defense against everything outside of the body. It protects you from infection, extreme temps, chemicals etc. At the same time it has tiny entrances, pores, that allow your body to soak up outside nutrients and all the environmental yuck as well. BUT when you eat, drink, take vitamins your skin is the last to get all those wonderful vitamins and minerals and then we coat our body with washes, scrubs and lotions filled with not so natural or healthy options. Also your skin will be the first to showcase any imbalance or deficiencies. First impressions y’all.
So how does this act of brushing your skin with an itchy, dry brush help? Exfoliation, sure, but what else? Brushing your skin will stimulate your circulatory and lymphatic systems, helps with bloating by shedding excess water, removes toxins, helps improve digestion, kidney function, encourages new cells, helps with ingrown hairs, stimulates nerve endings, helps showcase all that muscle toning (HAHA, yeah sure), unclogs pores. . . .pretty much a whole bunch of things to make you look and feel FABULOUS!
Well this sounds amazing and all but HOW do I get these wonderful benefits? Run to a natural grocer or bath store or even sit right there and head to Amazon and buy yourself a brush with NATURAL bristles, it’s going to feel rough and not so pleasant but that is what you want, trust me. The movement of the brush over your skin, in long, circular movements, starting from the bottom of your feet moving up towards your heart and your shoulders, then brushing downward on your back and don’t forget to brush your arms! Pay close attention to sensitive skin such as swollen boobies full of milk! Yeeeouch!!! Only did that once! Also, I go counter clockwise on my tummy. I avoid my neck, especially the back of my neck as I have a nice patch of psoriasis. I brush with a bit more vigor on my trouble spots, such as my jiggly thighs and butt. Every little bit helps.
After you brush, anywhere from 5 – 20 minutes, take a nice, long, warm shower. Or for my mommas out there the five minute wash and go. But remember how I said we apply not-so-good-for-you washes and scrubs? This is the time to start looking for better options. I use Lush, Bronner’s or Alba body wash. I have thought about making my own. Dry brushing and the warmth of your shower are going to remove the dead skin and open those pores. Then get out of the shower, towel dry and massage some natural oil into your skin. I use either Almond Oil or make some homemade lotion. You can even add some essential oil to the oil/lotion for even more benefits.
So let’s get some of the necessary comments outta the way. This is not immediate, changes in your routine usually don’t show results until you make it a habit, about 30 days. Plus, if you aren’t treating the inside right, remember it is going to show in your skin. This means reducing your sugar and refined food intake, drink more water (which helps to detox the body as well), get your body moving and sweat some of those toxins out and start paying attention to the products you are using.
I have been asked if I see a difference. Yes. Am I going to show you before and afters. Heck NO! I may be ok with my body but not enough to show you all that skin to prove it. Sorry y’all. But if I do get to my ideal weight . . . I might get brave.

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