Our kit has finally arrived and we have decided to start SLOW. . . (I did rush out and buy glass water bottles for myself and J.) So we began with the allergy trio for J. Seems reasonable, right? WRONG!

My pretty hot pink oil bottle! I got this one at Target!
J has major allergy problems with grass, pollen, air, and pretty much anything in nature. So what does he decide to do for a living? Become a landscaper! GREAT idea hun, especially in Florida!!! But I get it, the family business, 40 years strong, stable income. . .so we will just work around those issues. This means weekly runs to Target for 12 hour allergy pills which also means we are probably getting our house watched by the police because they think we are running a meth lab out of our garage. He was using the pills (as instructed on the box) so much he was becoming immune to them! One can only take so much of an OTC medicine and I had started to worry about his pill popping, so this was the main factor in us trying the essential oils.
Day one, we didn’t think ahead of time to buy the vegetable capsules, but how bad could it be to try it in his water bottle? He came home from work that day with it 3/4’s full. WHAT the heck man? I just wasted 3 drops of each of those oils! But he said it was nasty and he was burping lavender all day, even after only drinking a few sips. Great. . . so what do I do now? I go to my lovely Amazon and scour for capsules, then I made a phone call to my SIL to beg and plead for at least 3 days worth of capsules. (She rocked and gave me an entire plastic baggie full of them!) We purchased the NOW foods ’00’ vegetable capsules and thanks to being Prime they got there in two days. Phew. Crisis averted! Now he is taking 2 allergy trio capsules a day. We will definitely have to up the drops to the max drops but they are working for him! We are also going to start adding them topically to really knock them out!
What is the allergy trio you may ask? Well let me just give you the low down!
Great stuff, right? Remember how I said we started off slow? To start, we only did 3 drops of each in the capsules. When making yours you can start off slow or go full blast, completely your choice and your comfort level. I was also adding a combination of lemon, lime or orange to his morning water bottle. Remember that great old saying “A little goes a long way”, that is SO true with oils.
So even though it started a little bumpy, our first experiment with the EO’s was a success. J is getting some relief from his allergies and taking a lot less of the OTC medicine. This is a win for oils in my book!!! Doing the happy dance over here! (If you have seen me do the happy dance you are probably giggling to yourself right now.)
**With the citrus oils a few words of caution!** First off, only put drops of these oils in GLASS containers. The citrus does some wonky stuff with plastic and who wants to drink plastic?!?! GROSS. I mean the whole point of EO’s are to be healthier and get the chemicals outta our bodies! Secondly, remember when applying topically, citrus oils photosensitive. What the heck does that mean?! Here is what the Essential Oils Pocket Reference has to say “…may cause a rash or dark pigmentation on skin exposed to direct sunlight or UV rays within 1-2 days after application.” Especially those here in Florida, this is a big deal. If you are going to wear a t-shirt then applying to your chest would be a great idea. And you can always apply to your feet as well.

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