Oh how I love peppermint. When I started my oil journey I was nursing and this one was on the no-no list because it could cause a decrease in supply. That cut quite a few of the blends out as well. You wouldn’t believe how many blends have peppermint in them. Sigh.
But at the beginning of this year I had to stop nursing quickly for a trip out of town for work. After the initial sadness of having to cut that bonding off sooner than I wanted I now realized peppermint to the rescue! And let me tell you, it was heaven sent. It helped with the process of drying up. Oh it isn’t a pretty process, but I survived.
So . . . besides that. . . peppermint is amazing for a quick pick-me-up throughout the day, relieving a headache, soothing a queasy tummy, cooling heartburn and easing muscle ache. My newest use is diffusing peppermint, lavender, and rosemary during the workday. I pop my USB diffuser in around 3 pm and then there is no need for a late cup of coffee or a sugar run to get me to the end of the day.
Here are some other uses for peppermint.
Uses: tension, focus, energy, positivity, restores digestive efficiency, soothes digestion, supports healthy liver function and respiratory system, improves taste and smell when inhaled, improves concentration and mental sharpness, curbs appetite, enhances food and water, relieves head pressure, deters spiders, helps get rid of hiccups
Dilute 1:1 with carrier oil. Apply 1-2 drops on location, abdomen and/or temples; apply on chakras and/or Vita Flex points. Inhale directly or diffuse. Take as a dietary supplement.
Cautions: Peppermint has possible skin sensitivity. Avoid contact with eyes, mucus membranes, or fresh wounds or burns. Do not apply to children younger than 18 months.

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